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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Mr Sam, Steps Down As Leadership Newspaper Chairman To Contest Under APC

Leadership Newspaper board chairman, Mr Sam Nda-Isaiah has step down from his post as the overall chairman of the Nigeria most influential newspaper, "Leadership" and to contest for presidential ticket of the APC, All Progressive Congress. According to a press statement issued by Mr Azubuike Ishiekwene on behalf of the company's group managing director, Azubuike said: Mr Sam decided to step down after months of interacting with family members, associates and friends to answer a national call. The press statement below.....

On April 3, 2014, the chairman and founder of LEADERSHIP Group will step down from his current position as chairman. This is not a decision that he is taking lightly.
“Mr Nda-Isaiah had told the Board at its last meeting in February that having secured the company on a solid path of growth, he felt the need to answer a national call to work with millions of  men, women, young and old of all faith and creed who have, in an earnest search for something really new, invested their hopes and dreamsfor a better country in SAM4NIGERIA.”
The statement by Ishiekwene continued: “Mr Nda-Isaiah is not unaware of the trepidations, genuine and not so genuine, by persons who fear the worst not just for the company but also for what his coming out would mean.
“He has set the company on a solid growth path and we are proud of his legacy. In the last one year since he stepped down as editor-in-chief of LEADERSHIP Group, a start-up which he founded 10 years ago, he has gravitated more and more towards active politics.
“In that time, he has been humbled by the tremendous show of goodwill and support across faith, ethnic, professional and generational lines.”
The statement further said: “It would be inconsistent with Mr Nda-Isaiah’s personal values, respect for the public’s goodwill and the principles of good corporate governance for him to continue as chairman of LEADERSHIP Group and to wear – or be seen to wear – the hat of an active politician.
“It is also a matter of common sense that any such meddling – real or perceived – can only undermine the credibility of LEADERSHIP’s news platforms that Nda-Isaiah has invested his entire life and resources to build up.”
The statement said the management was pleased that LEADERSHIP Group, now comprising six subsidiaries, had grown from strength to strength even in Nda-Isaiah’s absence as editor-in-chief  with the most profound growth in stature, reach and impact in 2013.
The statement added: “The editors have agreed that Nda-Isaiah could maintain his Monday column for now. While he bears full responsibility for what he writes, the views of the newspaper are not necessarily his own.
“We would strive to maintain the public’s support, patronage and goodwill and promise to build on Nda-Isaiah’s legacy to continue to make LEADERSHIP one of the country’s most vibrant and trusted brands.

“As Nda-Isaiah steps out to answer a national call, we wish him good speed and success and promise the public that this would be the LEADERSHIP they have always known – fair and fearless in the service of God and country.”

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